On March 11, CPD, National People’s Action, USAction, and our state partners helped coordinate We Rise, a national day of action with one simple message: our cities and states belong to us, not big corporations and the wealthy. With nearly 30 events across 16 states, thousands of workers, families and supporters demanded that elected officials put people and the planet before profit.
Each local event focused on specific steps legislators could take to reverse inequality, repair democracy, and protect the environment.
In Wisconsin, our partner Wisconsin Jobs Now held powerful actions where hundreds of demonstrators called for justice following the killing of unarmed 19-year-old Tony Robinson. They also protested against a budget that devotes more money to prisons than schools.
In Illinois, nearly 2,500 people joined Action Now to demand that the Governor and state legislators raise revenue from corporations and the wealthy, instead of imposing more than $6 billion in cuts to those who can least afford it.
And in Albany, New York Communities for Change, Make the Road New York, and VOCAL-NY were joined by more than 1,000 people standing up for public education.
Other actions took place in Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania (seven different events), and West Virginia. While each event lifted up local and state solutions, they all focused on the message that statehouses and cities belong to all of us, not just big corporations and the wealthy. Thanks to all of our partners who ensured We Rise had a strong impact, including National People’s Action, USAction, Wisconsin Jobs Now, Action Now, New York Communities for Change, Make the Road New York, VOCAL-NY, LUCHA, Sunflower Community Action, Rise Up Georgia, Neighbor to Neighbor Massachusetts, TakeAction Minnesota, New Jersey Communities United, and Common Good Ohio.