
Take Action for Unemployed Workers

After Congress went on its August recess without voting on a relief package to extend the $600 weekly Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits, members of Unemployed Action, a movement by and for unemployed workers and their families, took to the streets. We held #MitchBetterHaveMyMoney protests in Kentucky, Washington D.C., New York City, and elsewhere around the country, and joined #ReliefIsDue protests to elevate the eviction crisis. In September, Unemployed Action held virtual meetings with their elected representatives to let them know that President Trump’s Lost Wages Assistance order, which provides only $300 per week for 6 weeks and excludes the poorest workers, is completely insufficient and real relief is needed.

The Unemployed Action community continues to grow, with 16,000 members. This fall, they will focus on engaging voters and on mutual aid to help each other survive in the absence of federal relief. We’re launching a new initiative for Unemployed Action via our Community Solidarity Fund to give small grants to unemployed workers facing hunger, housing instability, and other financial hardships. We’ve also created a healing justice workshop series to support our members through this difficult time. Click here to provide direct relief to unemployed workers!