Leadership from CPD are connecting with allies from the community, labor, and movement organizing sectors to launch a new, online journal for organizers. The Forge: Organizing Strategy and Practice went live September 27 and features articles, videos, and interviews from an array of organizers from across the country.
To get connected, you can follow The Forge on Twitter at @ForgeOrganizing or click here to be added to our list. Built by a committee of organizers, The Forge will tackle questions of strategy, methodology, movement history, and more. But in the digital age, publishing is no longer a one-way street. To foster interaction, The Forge also aims to help organizers build community, share ideas, and strengthen their practice.
The founding issue includes seventeen pieces of content, including:
Lead essays from some of the key organizers of the Kavanaugh fight a year ago, including CPD’s own Ana Maria Archila and Jennifer Flynn Walker, Shaunna Thomas from Ultraviolet, Kelley Robinson from Planned Parenthood, Ilyse Hogue from National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), and Fatima Goss Graves from the National Women’s Law Center
An article by Kate Hess Pace from Hoosier Action (Indiana) on building rural and small town organization in the Trump era
Book reviews by organizers on Naomi Klein’s new book on the Green New Deal, Ibram X. Kendi’s How to Be an Antiracist, and Ady Barkan’s Eyes to the Wind
Interviews with two up-and-coming organizers about their work, as well as with University of California, Santa Barbara Anton Vonk Professor Hahrie Han about the new Center on Democracy and Organizing
Read more on The Forge’s website! The editors invite all organizers and interested folks to sign up HERE to be added to the list for The Forge.