
SCOTUS FIGHT: We Changed the National Conversation

On October 6, Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed as the next Supreme Court Justice of the United States. Though the immediate outcome of our fight to prevent this was deeply disappointing, the fight represented a major success in mobilizing grassroots activism at the federal level. CPD and CPD Action affiliates, partners, and allies used collective power to turn cursory hearings on what was widely seen as the shoe-in nomination of Kavanaugh into a month-long battle that engaged millions of new people in a very personal and powerful way with our political process.

Because of your support, we made this nomination a real fight. Women and allies who shared their stories of sexual violence in the halls of Congress changed the course of history and found their passion and their democratic voices. During the confirmation process, more than one thousand people were arrested, and millions more took action in the largest mobilizations against a Supreme Court nominee in U.S. history. In our resistance, we exemplified the true spirit of popular democracy–imaginative, informed, and sustained participation by all of us.

Together we have the power to transform the national conversation. Help us prepare for the next Federal fight — and to make our voices heard locally and across the country.