
RAD Launches New Social Contract Tour in New Hampshire

CPD affiliate Rights & Democracy Institute (New Hampshire and Vermont) hosted the launch of the New Social Contract national tour with local and national movement leaders on September 15, 2019. National speakers at the event included Linda Sarsour and Jennifer Epps-Addison, CPD Network President and Co-Executive Director, both of whom will be speaking at New Social Contract tour events throughout the country. Learn more about the tour by visiting

At the event, RAD released a new national report, The New Social Contract for Workers, calling on elected leaders and candidates to embrace a slate of new public policies to promote workplace democracy and human rights for America’s workers. The New Social Contract for Workers calls for re-envisioning our system of labor protections to empower workers and address the extreme racial inequality that characterizes our jobs and workplaces.

In addition to the Rights & Democracy Institute and the Center for Popular Democracy, the coalition releasing the report included the National Economic and Social Rights Initiative, the National Employment Law Project Action Fund, the People’s Action Institute, Jobs With Justice, and Caring Across Generations.

“A New Social Contract is central to our long-term vision to create a future that puts us on a path to creating just, healthy, and thriving communities for everyone. How do we do that? By focusing on bold, community-led solutions that reshape our economy and public policies to put our people and our planet before everything else. Along with Medicare for All and a Green New Deal, a New Social Contract for Workers is the type of bold solution we need to start moving immediately at the local, state, and federal levels.”James Haslam, Executive Director of the Rights & Democracy Institute

“The people most marginalized by racial capitalism and corporate exploitation should have the biggest role in dreaming up and enacting the structural changes needed to build an economy that works for all of us. When those targeted by injustice are stakeholders and decision makers in public policy, we come up with solutions that are bold. We address the root cause of inequality, instead of patching over its effects. The New Social Contract is unapologetic in its ambition to address the root causes of racial and economic inequality. Put simply, the New Social Contract is a model for the future of policymaking,”Jennifer Epps-Addison, CPD Network President and Co-Executive Director.

Please join us in congratulating RAD and the successful launch of its New Social Contract tour and campaign!