On April 15, thousands of protesters took to the streets across the country to demand President Trump release his tax returns and hold the wealthy accountable for taxes working people pay each year. CPD joined the coalition of seventy organizations, labor unions, and economic justice advocates fighting for a tax system where all Americans, regardless of socioeconomic status, have the opportunity to reach their highest potential. Protests impacted more than 100 cities across the country with an estimated combined attendance of over 120,000.
CPD Action worked to promote the Tax March in the weeks leading up to Saturday, April 15, including sharing an op-ed on why, “The Tax Day March Is Not Just About Trump’s Taxes. The article explains, that “The nine largest banks in America… have used loopholes and other tax dodging schemes to lower their tax rate [to] a lower rate than what millions of middle class families pay… These billions of dollars could have been used to fund public services that millions […] rely on, like public housing, healthcare, and education.”
CPD affiliate New York Communities for Change (NYCC) followed up with a direct action on April 18, targeting Wall Street profiteers who stand to gain from Trump’s tax plan. Dozens of activists protested outside Goldman Sachs, one of the nine largest banks in America and a bank that continues to dodge billions in taxes each year. Billionaires must be held accountable and pay their fair share of taxes: “Unlike Donald Trump, most Americans don’t mind paying their taxes. What they object to is letting the rich and powerful avoid paying theirs. It’s time for the one percent to step up to the plate.”