On June 29, Oregon became the first state to pass a statewide fair workweek law! The Oregon Fair Workweek bill passed the House with a 46-13 bipartisan vote and is headed to the Governor Kate Brown’s desk for her signature. The bill already passed the State Senate with another bipartisan 23-6 vote and Governor Brown is widely expected to sign.
At the forefront of the campaign were working mom’s like Kayleigh Game who said, “The bill certainly will make a world of difference for moms like me. Again and again for the past few years, I have cycled through jobs that promised stability, only to find myself thrown into chaos.” The Oregon Fair Workweek law will put an end to that chaos and only happened because leaders like Kayleigh along with Oregon Working Families Party, UFCW Local 555, CPD-partner Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste (PCUN) and many others stepped up to pass this historic measure. This victory made headlines in the Washington Post, Huffington Post, Vox, American Prospect, Racked, The Hill, San Francisco Chronicle and Seattle Times.
The Oregon bill will give employees a good faith estimate of weekly work hours upon hiring, two weeks’ advance notice of their schedule, compensation for employer-initiated work schedule changes, at least ten hours’ rest between shifts, and a right to input into work schedules. The Oregon bill would be the first Fair Workweek law to cover hotel, casino, and other hospitality workers.
The victory follows closely in the wake of a series of victories for the fair workweek movement, with the introduction of legislation to ensure a fair workweek in Chicago this week. Last month, New York City became the largest city in the country to win a fair workweek, ensuring better hours for more than 65,000 workers. New York followed Seattle, San Francisco, Washington, DC, Emeryville, and San Jose, CA, all of which have passed fair workweek policies in recent years. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) introduced national legislation to provide fair work hours earlier this month.