In 2013, CPD worked with our partner Make the Road New York, in coalition with several other local organizations and local legislators, to create the New York Immigrant Family Unity Project (NYIFUP) — the nation’s first publicly funded universal representation program for detained immigrants in removal proceedings. Since then, CPD’s partners and allies across the country have been working to replicate NYIFUP in their own cities.
Since the November election, these efforts have moved into high gear. CPD is part of the California Coalition for Universal Representation, which has been advocating for the allocation of state and municipal funds to provide immigrants with lawyers. In December, in response to our coalition advocacy and in recognition of the new urgency to protect immigrant communities, the city of Los Angeles announced the creation of the LA Justice Fund to create a NYIFUP style access to counsel program to serve LA area immigrants. The city has committed $2 million, and the county Board of Supervisors voted in January to commit $3 million to the fund.
The city hopes to supplement this investment with philanthropic contributions. San Francisco has proposed a similar program, to be run in collaboration with the local public defender’s office. Outside of California, CPD is working with local organizations in Boston and the DC area to establish programs there as well.
Learn more about CPD’s Immigrant Justice Initiatives on our website.