
New Report Examines Deepening Our Democracy

American democracy is at a crossroads. To deliver on the promise of a representative, inclusive democracy, our electoral system must provide every American the opportunity to meaningfully participate and make their voice heard.

On January 4, CPD released Deepening Our Democracy: How Localities Can Expand Voting Rights. The report suggests some of the strongest measures localities can take to expand voter registration to eligible people in their communities. Since the 2016 election, there has been an acceleration of proposed state voter restrictions including new voter ID laws, restrictions on early voting, and attempts to purge voter registration rolls. In the face of attacks at the state and federal level, protecting and strengthening our democracy and voter participation must be a local imperative. This report was featured on Mic. CPD also hosted a Facebook livestream discussion of the report with CPD Director of Voting Rights & Democracy, Emma Greenman, and Research Analyst, Kate Hamaji. Read the full report on our website.