On December 19, the Center for Popular Democracy released the timely report “Bad Deal, Bad Company, Bad Billionaire: How Proposed Taxpayer Subsidies for Amazon HQ2 Can Still Be Stopped.” Co-released with ALIGN: The Alliance for a Greater New York, Make the Road New York, New York Communities for Change, and Partnership for Working Families, the report outlines New York State and City’s proposed $3 billion in corporate giveaways to Amazon in the form of tax credits, capital grants, land-use fast-tracking, and property tax abatements.
The report highlights key ways that Amazon’s proposed second headquarters (HQ2) in Long Island City, Queens would harm New York communities and exacerbate inequality in the city. Amazon’s HQ2 will threaten affordable housing, accelerate gentrification, and strap struggling public infrastructure.
The report concludes with concrete ways that elected officials in New York can stop one of the largest corporate giveaways in the state’s history. And just last week, State Senator Michael Gianaris, a vocal supporter of worker’s rights who has been critical of the proposed Amazon giveaways, was appointed by the NY State Senate to the powerful Public Authorities Control Board, which holds key approval authority. Read the full report on our website.