I’ve been proud to lead the fight for low income workers and families in the Detroit area with Good Jobs Now.
This city has been through a lot. Sometimes, people think that the sort of economic displacement that we’ve experienced in Detroit is far away. It won’t happen to them. Puerto Rico is far away… Houston is far away… Flint, Michigan…
Well, we see it differently.
We look at ourselves as the canary in the coal mine for what is happening in America. Privatization of our common resources, poor water quality, incredible educational inequality, soaring housing prices and homelessness, and the criminalization of Black and Brown communities–these are things we’ve been dealing with in Detroit.
We have been at the front lines on these issues. So we know a lot about policies that work and ones that don’t.
But what we’ve learned that is most important and common to all of these fights–is that we need to get people passionate about these issues and get them involved.
We learned about organizing quickly in Detroit because we had to. And we had help from the Center for Popular Democracy (CPD). CPD has been with us every step of the way, helping us build Good Jobs Now, and elevating our issues on the national front.
Detroit is the biggest city in Michigan and one of the largest African American cities in the country.
We are set to organize and we are set to change our city for the better.
That’s a lesson that we think everyone needs to learn in this country. We are excited to play a part. Will you join us?
We need your help more urgently now than ever before.
In solidarity,
Branden Snyder
Executive Director, Good Jobs Now