As President Trump approaches his 100th day in office and continues to push his anti-immigrant, anti-worker agenda, some of the country’s largest corporations are standing by the President and are positioning themselves to profit from his hateful agenda. Today, CPD is launching the “Corporate Backers of Hate” campaign to target some of the companies which most egregiously prioritize profits over people – including Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Blackstone, Black Rock, IBM, Boeing, Disney, and Uber. For these companies, the Trump administration offers an opportunity to profit from the mass suffering and the exploitation of others.
Trump’s policies have a tremendous human impact – for example, his ramped up immigration enforcement is tearing families apart. On May Day, CPD partner organizations around the country are organizing direct actions against the corporations that are complicit with – and profiting from – the border wall and the detention and deportation of immigrant families.
While there is a long history of corporations profiting from the exploitation of our communities, since election day, many of these corporations have joined Trump’s business council and have begun to aggressively pursue “market opportunities” tied to Trump’s agenda. These corporations impact all the issues our network works on: from immigration to workers’ rights, education to mass incarceration, economic to LGBTQ justice, affordable housing, voting rights and money in politics, and assaults on the environment.
The Corporate Backers of Hate campaign will include direct actions, a social and digital media strategy, and municipal and state campaigns to review and limit business dealings with these companies. You can support our efforts by visiting this website and by sending emails direct to CEOs and board members of these corporations.