CPD’s state partners in Maryland – CASA de Maryland and Communities United – have helped to build a powerful coalition of labor, community, and faith allies, that is driving an aggressive campaign to raise the state’s minimum wage in 2014, which the Governor has thrown full support behind.
While Maryland has the highest percentage of millionaires in the nation, the current minimum wage remains at the base federal level of $7.25 per hour, or only $15,000 per year for a full-time worker. Raise Maryland’s legislation would raise the minimum wage to $10.10/hour by 2016, indexing it to inflation, and raise the wage for tipped workers from 50-70% of the prevailing wage.
On the front lines of grassroots organizing, workers and community members organized by CASA and CU have helped lead actions demanding fair pay and raising the campaign’s profile. Those actions range from dropping “Raise the Wage!” banners over highway overhangs to leading press conferences, as well as direct actions at Walmart and last week’s 400-person campaign launch featuring the Governor. Over the coming months, the fight continues, but Maryland could see higher wagers in 90 days thanks to the critical efforts of CASA, CU, and Raise Maryland.