
Local Progress: Connecting Leaders From Coast to Coast to Tackle Economic Fairness

Tomorrow in Seattle, Local Progress, the national network of progressive municipal elected officials, is co-hosting a Symposium on Income Inequality, bringing together elected leaders from eight of the nation’s largest cities to discuss how best to confront inequality and raising the minimum wage.

CPD’s staff attorney and Local Progress program lead, Ady Barkan, and CPD Policy Advocate Josie Duffy played key roles in coordinating and supporting the event, which is free and open to the public.

The other event sponsors are Seattle University and the office of Seattle Mayor Ed Murray. Mayor Murray has been a leader in the fight for higher wages, after being elected last November on a platform that included increasing the minimum wage to $15.

Attendees will include:

  • Seattle Councilmember Nick Licata, the National Chair of Local Progress
  • Chicago Alder John Arena, Chicago Alder Toni Foulkes, Chicago Alder Roderick Sawyer
  • New York City Councilmember Ritchie Torres
  • Oakland Councilmember Desley Brooks
  • Philadelphia Councilmember Wilson Goode, Jr.
  • San Diego Councilmember David Alvarez
  • San Francisco Supervisor John Avalos
  • San Jose Councilmember Don Rocha

Additional speakers include: Lori Pfingst, Center for Budget and Policy; Dorian Warren, Columbia University; Paul Sonn, National Employment Law Project; Michael Reich and Ken Jacobs, U.C. Berkeley; and, Marieka Klawitter and Bob Plotnik, University of Washington.

CPD and Local Progress are proud to bring together such diverse leaders from cities across the country to discuss policies and innovative solutions around inequality. Topics will include the minimum wage, wage theft, paid sick days, and worker support.