
Join the Fight for Medicare for All

After months of actions organized by CPD affiliates and allies, congressional conservatives failed to take healthcare from millions of Americans in 2017, marking a crucial step for working families across the country. And still, for the tens of thousands of community members that make up the CPD Network, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was never a path toward affordable, accessible healthcare. Many families are still struggling to afford basic necessities, and are having to choose between food on their tables and the medications they need to save their lives. For this reason, the CPD Network made the decision to endorse and push for Medicare for All in 2019.

On Monday, April 29, hundreds of CPD affiliate members and allies, and members of the Birddog Nation, a group of hundreds of activists trained to observe and seek out their elected officials to hold them publicly accountable, traveled to Washington, DC to rally in front of big PhRMA headquarters. On Tuesday, April 30, Ady Barkan, Senior Campaigner at CPD, testified at the historic, first-ever congressional hearing on Medicare for All in Washington, DC. You can read his full testimony here and watch the full hearing here, or by clicking on the image below. Just after the hearing, it was announced that Medicare for All would have a hearing in the House Ways and Means committee, the first major committee of jurisdiction for legislation!

Earlier this year, CPD affiliates and allies worked alongside Representatives Pramila Jayapal and John Dingell to draft and introduce a bill to Congress in April. That very bill is now being championed by many progressive elected officials like Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Bernie Sanders, who has introduced his own bill in the Senate. The Medicare For All Act is a landmark comprehensive bill that would ensure all Americans would be covered and would eliminate copays, deductibles, and out-of-pocket expenses.

Since its release, 16 senators have cosponsored the bill, including presidential hopefuls Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren. CPD affiliates DelACA, SPACES, Maryland Communities United, Rights and Democracy VT and NH, and members of the Birddog Nation, have shared sustained presence on Capitol Hill since January 2019, hitting the halls for lobby meetings and actions to gain more cosponsors for the bill.

We’ve come so far, but still have much work to do. If you are interested in getting involved in the fight for Medicare for All, reach out to CPD National Organizer, Darius Gordon at or follow him on Instagram and Twitter.

Of course, this work would not be possible without the generous financial support from people like you. A problem that affects us all demands a solution that includes us all. We will not leave anyone behind. Healthcare is a human right and we need you in the fight. Make a donation today.