
How Five Firms Stand to Benefit from Anti-Immigrant Policy

On November 16, CPD in partnership with Partnership for Working Families, New York Communities for Change, and Make the Road New York released a report identifying the ways Wall Street stands to benefit from Trump’s proposed border wall. Trump made his call for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border a signature feature of his campaign for the presidency and his first year in office. A symbol of the rising tide of xenophobia and nationalism, the wall may be popular with Trump’s base, but is wildly unpopular with the public at large. This report looks at a set of players who are generally left out of Trump’s narrative about the wall, but who have positioned themselves to be direct beneficiaries: the investors who could enjoy financial gain from its construction. These players include JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Renaissance Technologies, BlackRock and Dimensional Fund Advisors. Read the report in its entirety on our website.