Founded in 2017 by a sixth generation Hoosier, Hoosier Action, a CPD affiliate, works to connect small town and rural Hoosiers to the broader fight for a multiracial democracy and to reject the myth of scarcity and racial animus. Hoosier Action builds small-town chapters in which members undergo intensive political education and take up fights to improve their communities.
Right now, and with CPD campaign support, Hoosier Action is building a multi-constituency, statewide aggressive campaign to end the Medicaid work requirements—a leftover policy from when Mike Pence was governor. Hoosier Action is organizing Medicaid patients, rural healthcare providers, hospital administrators, and mental healthcare workers as well as groups including the Concerned Clergy of Indianapolis, Faith in Indiana, Indiana Recovery Alliance, Communications Workers of America (CWA), and the Baptist Ministerial Alliance to fight together.
On July 1, the day the work requirements began, Hoosier Action led an action, held a press conference, and delivered thousands of postcards from 43 counties to Governor Eric Holcomb. Members are continuing in-district meetings with local officials and planning a large action in November. You can learn about the campaign in an Indianapolis Star video featuring Hoosier Action member Eva Guerrero. CPD is working with partners in 10 states to stop the implementation of work requirements for Medicaid, and we are supporting efforts in three states to expand Medicaid.
In partnership with the CWA, Hoosier Action is also developing a campaign aimed at the private companies that are making a profit while administering Indiana’s social safety net programs. To date, Hoosier Action has held seven teach-ins in rural counties and held weekly volunteer house visits, Wednesday work parties with membership, letter to the editor trainings, and story collection sessions.
In addition to fighting to protect meaningful benefits in Indiana, Hoosier Action is also fighting to keep people from getting sick. In Johnson and Morgan Counties, Hoosier Action members have been focused on a set of contaminated former industrial sites. Hoosier Action members are facing autoimmune disorders, children with cancer, and other terrifying health problems. But government officials have not taken any meaningful action. Hoosier Action is putting pressure on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Indiana Department of Environmental Management to address the crisis. Members participated in the audit of EPA’s inaction, and some of the people most impacted their offered testimony. The result: The EPA has held community forums and increased transparency and accountability. In September, Hoosier Action will be organizing town hall meetings to train an additional 100 leaders and build community capacity to win cleanups at all of the counties’ contaminated sites.
Through deep relationships, direct action, political education, and anti-racist training, we’re building the power necessary to change our lives and our state. Please support Hoosier Action today!