Last week CPD’s sister organization, CPD Action, the Women’s March, and Housing Works, along with 10 CPD affiliates and allies, organized 40 near-constant actions in Washington, D.C., calling on the Senate to #CancelKavanaugh and not confirm Brett Kavanaugh as the next Supreme Court Justice. More than 200 activists were arrested between the start of the confirmation hearings on Tuesday and the end of the testimony on Friday. Our efforts made headlines in CNN, Reuters, NPR, Buzzfeed News, HuffPost, The Guardian, USA Today, The Nation, and Fox News among others.
As a network, we are glad to know that we do not have to stand alone in this fight. We stand strong with movement partners and organizations like Planned Parenthood, the National Women’s Law Center, Demand Justice, MoveOn, People’s Action, the Working Families Party, Color of Change, the Fight for 15, and more who are central in the fight to stop Kavanaugh. These leaders contacted their senators, organized vigils, collected “vote no” petitions, held opposition press conferences, and are building a grassroots resistance to Kavanaugh’s nomination. We know that none of us alone can win this fight, but together our organizations and movements can make the impossible possible and stop Kananaugh.
The Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to vote this Thursday, September 13. Under committee rules, it is likely Senate Democrats will move to delay the vote, pushing a full Senate confirmation vote to the week of September 24. After over 600 people joined us last week to disrupt the public hearings and encourage the committee to vote against the Kavanaugh nomination, we still have much work left to do.
On September 20, the CPD Network will anchor another action and bring over a thousand people to Washington, DC to witness the committee confirmation. We will not rest until the voices of women, working people, immigrants, and others are heard. Please make a donation today to support the fight to #CancelKavanaugh.
In this moment of urgency, it is crucial we come together to ensure this nominee not be confirmed. Along with his proven anti-choice history, Kavanaugh is poised to erode worker protections, deny rights to immigrants, take away health care access, all while bolstering the power of big corporations and millionaires and billionaires. Collectively, we understand that a Senate vote to confirm Kavanaugh would erode essential freedoms and protections for our communities for generations.
This is a defining moment. We must step up and demand our elected officials do everything they can to stop this nomination process. Please donate today to protect our values and support the resistance in the fight to #CancelKavanaugh.