The Center for Popular Democracy is proud to partner with the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, Junta for Progressive Action, SEIU 32BJ, the Connecticut Immigrant Rights Alliance and other allies to introduce statewide legislation in Connecticut that, if passed, will limit the extent to which state and local law enforcement cooperate with federal Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE) to detain and deport immigrants.
The CT TRUST Act was introduced earlier this year by State Representative Gary Holder-Winfield and would prohibit state and municipal police, the Department of Correction and judicial marshals from holding individuals in custody on ICE’s behalf, beyond the point that they would otherwise be released, except in the case of individuals convicted of Class A felonies.
One of the most progressive bills of its kind in the country, the CT TRUST Act builds on an administrative policy issued by Governor Malloy last year. A public hearing on the bill was held on March 22 in Hartford, which was dominated by immigrant community members, advocates and labor allies, who spoke out in favor of the bill and emphasized the destructive impact of detention and deportation on immigrant families and communities across Connecticut.
CPD has been working closely with the coalition to develop campaign strategy and policy, and to create advocacy materials to help move the bill through committee and to victory.
If enacted, the CT TRUST Act will be the first statewide legislation of its kind in the country and will benefit thousands of Connecticut’s immigrant community members, who would no longer have to fear that a momentary encounter with local law enforcement may result in permanent exile from their home and families. Congratulations to our partners in Connecticut for their tremendous leadership. Please support the campaign by signing this petition.