Last week, President Biden released his new American Jobs Plan to start to address the economic recovery desperately needed by working families across the country in the face of an ongoing global pandemic. It’s part of President Biden’s plan to Build Back Better and CPD network affiliates are calling on him to make sure we seize this opportunity to push for broad, bold, transformational changes for our communities in the United States and all territories – all of us, no matter our immigration status.
Our demands are simple. We want to use this once-in-a-generation moment to secure bold changes that get us closer to a world where everyone can thrive. President Biden and Congress should push to reform unemployment insurance, pass the THRIVE agenda and fully enact the Green New Deal, cancel rent and protect people’s right to safe and secure housing, create a pathway to citizenship for 11 million immigrants (5 million of whom are essential workers), and dramatically expand access to healthcare including passing Medicare for All.
Join us in demanding the Biden administration provide Real Relief for Real People!