
CPD Reflects on its Work to Support Record Voter Turn-Out in Georgia

To realize the promise of a representative and inclusive democracy, our electoral system must guarantee every American the right to vote and the power to participate. In Georgia, we knew this past election cycle would be one for the history books and we jumped at the opportunity to work with CPD affiliate New Georgia Project (NGP) to execute on a thoughtful, intentional, and strategic voter turn-out plan.

As we build for the future, we are reviewing what we learned by our successful work in 2020. Through a deeply rooted partnership, we helped NGP recruit hundreds of volunteers from across the state to participate in the organization’s Election Protection program that posted line warmers and trained violence-interrupters at polling locations. CPD staff helped to teach more than 3,000 people in de-escalation tactics to protect our communities’ basic right to vote and safety at the polls, ensuring the success of movement-wide get-out-the-vote efforts so our voices would be heard. 

After delivering a record voter-turnout where we took back our democracy, organizers and activists on the ground in Georgia quickly pivoted to support the Senate run-off race. CPD stayed on the ground with NGP connecting volunteers to opportunities and supporting their statewide non-partisan get-out-the-vote efforts. The CPD network showed up in full force when affiliates from Make the Roads New York and Pennsylvania, Ohio Organizing Collaborative, and SPACEs in Action DC also shared their non-partisan resources to do everything from opening and staffing offices, helping with voter registration drives, making PPE packs and even hitting the doors to turnout early voters. During the Senate run-off alone, NGP recruited 2,707 volunteers who completed 5,040 shifts from November 4, 2020 to January 6, 2021. In the same timeframe, together we made 831,126 phone calls, sent 701,606 text messages and knocked on 1,748 doors. These efforts relied on years of deep organizing and relationship building as well as smart election-mobilization. 

In 2020, we saw what we can accomplish together with the power of the people at work. We defeated many attempts to suppress voters and erect massive barriers to the ballot. CPD will continue it’s work to expand and protect our voting rights and democracy, drawing down the lessons learned from our 2020 partnerships and engagement. Please consider making a donation now to support this critical work moving forward.