On February 7, Senator Ed Markey of Massachusetts and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York introduced resolutions in their respective chambers to build momentum for a Green New Deal. The CPD Network was an early and proud endorser of the plan and we are introducing a series of environmental justice measures across the country that will impact the lives of millions and help repair our planet for all. We know that now is the time to be bold and unapologetic in demanding solutions to our climate crisis writ large and in our communities.
From fighting the poisoning of water in Flint and Milwaukee, to healing our coastal communities impacted by ever worsening climate disasters, to organizing against mining companies that bring cancer and early death to their workers in Appalachia, CPD Affiliates are on the frontlines, working to transform our economy into one that supports families and protects our planet so that all of our communities – and our planet – can thrive.
The Green New Deal helps build climate resilience locally, in communities of color who have been most impacted by climate change, and ensure that Black and Latinx people will have direct access to good family-supporting jobs in the new green economy. The Green New Deal resolution is a landmark solution to climate change.
“In our current climate crisis, now is the time to be bold in our vision of the future,” said Veronica Coptis, Executive Director of the CPD affiliate the Center for Coalfield Justice. “As we turn these visions into actions, we must ensure that frontline communities – those who live with the unjust effects of climate change, pollution, and extraction – are leading the way.”
“A fair and just future will be won not in the halls of Congress, but in places like Detroit and Flint, where residents have largely been left out of the national economy and will be most impacted by the damaging effects of climate change,” said Branden Snyder, Executive Director of CPD affiliate Good Jobs Now. “Good Jobs Now believes that in order to fight this existential threat of climate change we must pass a Green New Deal.”
Inequality and climate change are the moral and existential crises of our time. The Green New Deal is a 10-year plan to mobilize every aspect of American society to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions and create economic prosperity for all. The CPD Network will be playing a key role in federal advocacy while also working hard to make change in cities and states. Please support the CPD Network today in making this vision a reality by donating today.