
CPD Network Helps Enfranchise the New Majority

CPD and our affiliates are at the forefront of engaging the New Majority in our country. Our base-building model means we organize year-round on the issues communities of color, immigrants, and working families care most about: protecting health care, comprehensive immigration reform, ending criminalization, public education, affordable housing and more. And through that deep, relationship-based organizing we ensure that come election day, our issues are at the core of the national conversation and inspire people to get out to vote (GOTV).

Our integrated community organizing/GOTV culminated in new scale and impact this off-cycle election. Our partners:

  • Engaged more than 500,000 voters registered in previous two years on issue organizing and leadership development leading up to Election Day;
  • Registered over 100,000 new voters; and
  • Drove integrated community organizing and GOTV targeting more than 1 million voters in 17 states, including Virginia, Georgia, New York, New Jersey, New Mexico.

CPD and our affiliates contributed to a powerful national movement that put our shared priorities of ending inequality, bigotry, anti-immigrant hate, and fear at the center of the debate and generates new momentum to hold newly-elected leaders accountable to our values and to drive integrate issue organizing and GOTV work into 2020. This goes to show that when we organize, we win.