
CPD Affiliates Reflect on the People’s Convention

CPD’s People’s Convention brought over 1,500 leaders and members of our affiliate network to Detroit for three days of action, planning, and joint mobilizing for the fight ahead. We invited members from Churches United for Fair Housing (CUFFH) and SPACEs to reflect on their experiences, gathering with the largest progressive organizing network in the country. 


CUFFH Member Jameal Starks Asks ‘What’s An Activist?’

What’s an activist? That was the question on my mind before I went to the Center for Popular Democracy’s 2019 People’s Convention. Is it someone with a master’s degree in Political Science?

I know now: it’s anyone willing to stand up to unfairness. This is just one of the many things I learned and experienced at the convention.

The whole Churches United for Fair Housing (CUFFH) team, CUFFH Youth, and members of our community took a bus to Detroit, Michigan for the People’s Convention. We heard from speakers such as Linda Sarsour and U.S. Representative Rashida Tlaib, took it to the streets with a march, and exchanged ideas through workshops with like-minded leaders from communities all around the country.

I found the People’s Convention to be very empowering and uplifting, especially if you’ve ever felt alone in your personal struggles. It was amazing to come to an event with people just like me who were experiencing victories over unfairness in their community. All of the activities, from the march to show that “Detroit’s Fight Are All of Our Fights,” the guest speakers and direct questions to conversations all made the People’s Convention a very empowering event.


SPACEs Member Chioma Oruh Feels She ‘Found Her Tribe’

I’ve had some time now to digest the many great lessons learned at the Center for Popular Democracy’s (CPD) Our Vision, Our Future: People’s Convention held in Detroit, MI from July 25-27th. In the time since coming home, and post watching the Democratic primary debates that also took place in Detroit shortly after the convention, I’ve had some time to reflect on the significance of this convention both personally and politically.

Personally, I feel like I’ve found my tribe. It was such an empowering opportunity to bring so much of what I personally identify with and give it a platform. I had joined SPACES a few months back, when I was introduced to the Executive Director, LaDon Love. And I simply fell in love with the mission and vision of this organization. In working together on the Birth to Three Campaign, I also learned the unique value of SPACES, as an affiliate organization of CPD.

CPD carries out its mission of building organizing power to transform the local and state policy landscape through deep, long-term partnerships with leading community-based organizing groups nationwide like SPACES in Action, which is the affiliate organization in Washington, DC. At the Detroit convention, I really ingested the power of their vision and how truly transformative this approach to organizing is. Read more of Chioma’s reflection here.