In the final week of February, CPD, the Right to the City Alliance, and PolicyLink released a groundbreaking report “Our Homes, Our Future: How Rent Control Can Build Stable, Healthy Communities,” to shed light on why rent control is a national, scaleable, and cost effective solution to the housing and renter crisis. The issue has garnered public support from major progressive lawmakers who have championed the need address our country’s affordable housing crisis and protect renters from skyrocketing prices.
In conjunction with the release, CPD affiliates and allies in New York, California, Illinois, and Florida rallied for rent control and increased tenant protections. In New York, the Upstate/Downstate Housing Alliance mobilized to Albany to call for #UniversalRentControlCBS News, Fast Company, Colorlines, the Chicago Sun Times, and the Pacific Standard.
If rent control becomes reality in the six states and two cities it is currently being debated, 12.7 million renter households will be stabilized. If adopted by states nationwide, 42 million households could be stabilized. The report further highlights the unprecedented scale and breadth of families that would benefit from rent control policies with far reaching impacts, and calls for immediate action by policymakers to take action to address the worse renter crisis in a generation. Click here to read the full report as well as real stories about renters affected by the movement for rent control.
The report features CPD affiliates and allies including New York Communities for Change, MHAction, Churches United for Fair Housing (CUFFH), Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE), Organize Florida, Make the Road New York, One Pennsylvania, Make the Road Nevada, Kenwood Oakland Community Organization (KOCO), the Life the Ban Coalition in Chicago, and the Upstate-Downstate Housing Alliance in New York.