
CPD Affiliates Attend Canvass Director Training in Orlando, FL

Earlier this May in Orlando, Florida, CPD’s Sustainability Team conducted its tri-annual canvass director training, an intensive, week-long program designed to help CPD affiliates develop the skills and strategies necessary to run effective canvassing offices and build dues-paying membership canvass drives.

Canvass directors from CPD affiliates Organize Florida, New Florida Majority, VOCAL-NY, Working Washington, Good Jobs Now, and One Pennsylvania received in-depth training on management practices, messaging skills, recruitment techniques, and statistical analysis. CPD Co-Executive Director Jennifer Epps-Addison flew in to speak personally with the canvass directors and led a discussion on the critical role of canvassing in the CPD Network’s base-building strategy over the next five years. Directors also developed models for engaging and retaining members in collaboration with Membership Drive, and participated in door canvassing to sign up new members with Organize Florida. At the end, the directors joined the Organize Florida team at a letter-drop action at Florida Senator David Simmons’ office to rally around the bills currently in legislative session.

CPD’s canvass programs are designed to generate significant revenue for participating partners and dramatically increase organization membership over the coming years. Learn more about the CPD Network’s door-to-door and street canvassing efforts.