As the Executive Director of the New Georgia Project (NGP), I have dedicated my life to raising the voices of our communities through building power deeply rooted in community organizing. Following in the steps of Stacey Abrams who founded the organization, NGP has a vision for Georgia where equality fosters prosperity and everyone has a chance to thrive.
There are many assumptions about what is possible in this state. We have built a multi-racial, multi-generational coalition in Georgia, taking on issues that matter most like raising the minimum wage and tackling widespread voter suppression.
Connecting with the people who want to bring about a new Georgia is how we are going to realize our vision of justice and accountability.
Since 2014, NGP has submitted more than a quarter of a million registrations for young people and voters of color across the state, who we call the “New American Majority.” This year, we defended against attacks on the integrity of Georgia’s elections and voter suppression that disproportionately affects our communities.
But NGP is in it for the long haul. We fought for every single vote and will continue to fight until every voice is heard – in our state and in our country.
We know that this is what true popular democracy looks like: informed and sustained participation by and for us all.
The CPD Network makes us stronger with ongoing leadership development and organizational support. CPD has been there for us at critical moments like this one. Together we are building a growing and sustainable movement for justice our communities so deeply need. With 52 other community organizations across 34 states behind us, we know we have the power to affect real and lasting change throughout the state of Georgia and beyond.
This is a pivotal moment.
I urge you to make a donation to support the CPD Network in building power for our communities.
We are all in this together.
In solidarity,
Nse Ufot
Executive Director, New Georgia Project