
Building Partnerships to Support a Fair Workweek

The movement for a Fair Workweek is growing! Center for Popular Democracy (CPD) partners, allies, and workers-rights leaders across the country are advocating for policies that provide hardworking moms, dads, and students with schedules they can count on to pay the bills week after week. In February, we launched two exciting campaigns in Seattle, WA, and San Jose, CA.

Working Partnerships USA, a CPD partner, along with core partner AFL-CIO, the South Bay Labor Council, and the Silicon Valley Rising coalition, filed the Opportunity to Work ballot initiative in late January. This groundbreaking initiative targeting the crisis of underemployment in San Jose would guarantee the city’s 64,000 part-time workers the choice to work more hours at their current job if they become available. The rate of part-time workers desiring full-time work in San Jose has risen at least 30 percent from the pre-recession period. Sign up for updates on the Opportunity to Work initiative here, and check out some press coverage on this important work.

Meanwhile, CPD’s dynamic partner organization Working Washington, and workers from fast-food chains and businesses like Starbucks, launched their Secure Scheduling campaign, calling on the Seattle City Council to confront the crisis of underemployment, erratic hours, and unhealthy schedules too many Seattle workers must face. 

Read more: Workers ask city leaders to help with unstable schedules