
Build Power With Us On #GivingTuesday

This has been a deeply troubling year for America’s democracy. From pervasive, methodical voter suppression and inhumane policies that separate children from their families, to the rushed confirmation of a Supreme Court justice with a profoundly troubling track record, it has never been clearer that we are living in a distorted democracy—one in which the rules are rigged to silence the most vulnerable and fear is nurtured to keep us divided.

This #GivingTuesday, support building power by and for the people by making a donation.

 The Center for Popular Democracy (CPD), together with our network of 53 partners and affiliates in 131 cities across 34 states, Puerto Rico, and Washington, DC, has been at the forefront of the national movement to fight back against the attacks on our communities and on our values. We are building a movement to realize our vision of popular democracy where everyone has the freedom to thrive.

 In 2018, the fight has become harder, but we have only become stronger. Watch the CPD Network breathing life into our democracy below!

We cannot do this work alone. But through collective action, we can resist this tide of hate and start to transform America into a country driven by popular democracy–courageous, sustained participation that empowers us all, and in which all people have equal access to safe places to live and learn; to a clean and sustainable environment; to freedom of movement and self-determination; and to full participation in decision-making for their lives and communities.

Your continued partnership with CPD has built this organization—we would not be here without you. As we gear up for 2019 and beyond, the stakes are higher, and we need your support more than ever.

Please support our vital work today, on #GivingTuesday.

In solidarity, 
Jennifer Epps-Addison
Network President & Co-Executive Director, CPD