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2023 Impact Report

2023 Impact Report

06/25/2024 | Popular Democracy

Dolor y lucro: Las organizaciones “filantrópicas” de Ley 22 que toman de los puertorriqueños y dan poco a cambio

El gobierno de Puerto Rico, en un esfuerzo por atraer a inversionistas ricos a la isla, aprobó en el 2012 la “Ley Para Incentivar el Traslado de Individuos Inversionistas a Puerto Rico”; mejor...

04/9/2024 | Center for Popular Democracy

Pain & Profit: : The Act 22 "Charities" that Take from Puerto Ricans and Give Little in Return

In an effort to attract wealthy investors to Puerto Rico, the Puerto Rican government passed the “Act to Promote the Relocation of Individual Investors to Puerto Rico” (known as Act 22 and later...

04/9/2024 | Center for Popular Democracy


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4 hours ago

Guardians are hitting the streets across the U.S. to get their neighbors the information and resources they need to get out and vote.

4 hours ago