Connie M. Razza
Connie M. Razza
Director, Strategic Research
Economic Justice, Wall Street Accountability, Immigrant & Civil Rights, Climate Justice
Connie directs CPD’s broad-ranging research efforts pertaining to immigrant and civil rights, economic and community justice, and good government. In addition to researching on CPD-driven projects, the Strategic Research department also helps partner organizations meet their research needs. She comes to us from Community Labor United (CLU), a coalition of base-building community organizations and labor unions in Boston. At CLU, she directed research and policy development on campaigns for transit justice and fair contracting practices throughout Massachusetts. She has been a strategic research campaigner for more than a decade, working primarily on campaign design and implementation for labor union organizing drives. At UNITE HERE, Connie led research in support of the unionization of workers at a national healthcare laundry company. She also served the New York City Council as its Senior Policy Analyst for health issues. Connie became a union organizer after participating in an organizing drive of student employees throughout the University of California system. She holds a BA from Georgetown University and an MA and PhD from the University of California at Los Angeles.
Bring Financial Managers in House
The New York Times, 12.6.2013
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